Exact time analog clock for Bissau

Sync precision: ±0 s
Sync succ:0
Latest sync:0
Sync fail:0
Bissau time digital clock:

Settings: seconds Soft / Jump
This analog clock is also showing accurate exact time from our server (not your device clock). Second-hand jumps on the beginning of second.

Navigation: Clock.Zone / Analog clock / Guinea-Bissau

Analog clock for Africa/Bissau time zone

In page creation moment, exact local time was Sunday, 20 September 2020 (8:56 PM) in Africa/Bissau timezone.

This is exact time analog clock for Africa/Bissau time zone, synchronized with time on clock.zone dedicated server. Second-hand always jumps on the beginning of the second. Precision of the time synchronisation can be seen next to the clock (Sync precision).


Bissau location?

Country: Guinea-Bissau

Continent: Africa

Difference from Greenwich mean time: GMT0

Position of Bissau on time zone map you can find on Bissau digital clock page.

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